Successful resumption of accreditation of materials testing laboratory

The materials testing laboratory of ifw Jena has been monitored and accredited by DAkkS since 1998. However, due to the relocation of ifw Jena and the materials testing laboratory, this accreditation had to be suspended in recent months.

Accreditation ensures that the general requirements for the competence of the materials testing laboratory are met and that processes and existing resources are used to reliably perform all tests for our partners and customers. Up to now, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 regulated the correct work processes. As this standard has been revised and replaced by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, a reassessment of the work in the materials testing laboratory at ifw Jena already took place last year. In addition, due to the relocation of the materials testing laboratory to the new institute building in fall 2020, the new laboratory rooms had to be assessed and the work of our testers in the new environment had to be evaluated. Two separate audits were therefore carried out in recent months to assess the testing processes at ifw Jena in accordance with the new standard and in the new materials testing laboratory. Both audits were passed.

Since this week accreditation has been resumed - our partners can continue to rely on materials testing orders being fulfilled quickly, flexibly and above all reliably at ifw Jena even after our move.

Appendix of certificate online

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