
Förderkennzeichen: 01IF19204N
Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2016 bis 31.03.2019

Systematic analysis of influencing factors on powder quality at beam melting

The overall objective of the project is to systematically record and evaluate the significant influencing factors that cause a change in the powder material during beam melting using the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. From this, recommendations for powder handling and management will be derived to ensure the quality of the powder over the service life. This will lead to cost savings with at least identical component quality.

Basically, three main factors can be identified which influence the quality of the Ti-6Al-4V powder material, the beam melting process and the resulting components:

  1. Production, transport and storage of the powder, where the characteristic properties of the material are initially determined by the manufacturing process, but change over a certain period of time due to environmental influences
  2. Beam melting process, in which components are generated from the powder layer by layer
  3. Recycling of the powder by sieving as well as preparation, e.g. by adding further material, which causes changes in the powder

Once the influencing variables and their effects have been recorded, the changes in the Ti-6Al-4V powder can be counteracted in a targeted manner. In this way, it is possible to restore or maintain the powder properties relevant to the beam melting process, making the overall process more robust and safer.