Efficient crossjets by additive manufacturing
In laser beam welding, so-called crossjet nozzles are used to protect optics and protective glass, most of which operate with compressed air. In addition to the relatively high consumption of compressed air that characterizes these nozzles, noise emissions of over 90 dB occur, which have a lasting negative impact on working conditions.
The aim of the project is to develop several energy-efficient crossjet nozzles that can be used to protect scanner optics from contamination (e.g. by welding spatter) during laser material processing operations. To achieve this goal, appropriately high flow velocities are required that generate sufficient momentum to deflect rising particles. At the same time, noise emissions should be kept as low as possible and reduced compared to available nozzles. The target value is 60 dB.
Unlike most conventional cross-jet nozzles, the nozzle to be developed will be manufactured using the PBF-LB process. This allows shapes to be taken into account in simulation and design that cannot be produced conventionally.